Sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking

Sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking will not be excused or tolerated at Washington State University Vancouver. The University is required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to adopt policies and programs aimed at prevention and response. Washington State criminal and civil laws and WSU’s Standards of Conduct for Students are enforced.

Sexual assault in any form, including acquaintance rape, violates criminal laws and WSU's standards of conduct and will not be tolerated. WSU has instituted procedures to respond to violations of these laws and standards, programs aimed at the prevention of such conduct, and intervention on behalf of the victims.

WSU will not tolerate domestic violence or stalking in the workplace or elsewhere on campus. The University is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe work and living environment.

WSU Vancouver Police officers will treat victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking with respect and dignity. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance and WSU Vancouver Police will assist by providing resources to victims. In addition to its law enforcement efforts regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking, WSU Vancouver Police refer victims to the appropriate university and/or local community counseling and other resources devoted to assisting victims.

All employees, students, and visitors should immediately report threats, acts of aggression, or acts of violence at the University. Students and visitors should report incidents to the WSU Vancouver Police Department and/or local law enforcement agencies. Employees should report such incidents to their supervisor, WSU Vancouver Police Department and/or local law enforcement agencies, or Human Resource Services.

Literature on date rape, risk reduction, and University response is available through the Student Resource Center.

Victims of sexual assault and report filing

If you are a victim of a sexual assault at this institution, your first priority should be to get to a place of safety. You should then obtain necessary medical treatment. The University Police Department strongly advocates that a victim of sexual assault report the incident in a timely manner (call 911 from any phone to report the incident). The University Police Department is located in the corner of the Dengerink Administration building (VDEN 160) and can be reached by phone at (360) 546-9001 or by dialing 911. Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. An assault should be reported directly to a University officer. Filing a report with a University officer will not obligate the victim to prosecute, nor will it subject the victim to scrutiny or judgment opinions from officers. Filing a police report will:

  1. Ensure that a victim of sexual assault receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim.
  2. Provide the opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution that cannot be obtained later (ideally a victim of sexual assault should not wash, use the toilet, or change clothing prior to a medical/legal exam).
  3. Ensure the victim has access to free confidential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of sexual assault crisis intervention.

The victim of a sexual assault may choose for the investigation to be pursued through the criminal justice system and the University Conduct Board, or only the latter. Individuals may choose to report the incident directly to Student Services at (360) 546-9559, or Human Resources at (360) 546-9587, rather than Law Enforcement. A University representative from the police department and/or the office of Student Services will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision.

Counseling Services

Short-term counseling services for current Washington State University Vancouver students are available for free on campus. Counselors are available for appointments Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Student Services Center, room 111. To schedule a visit, please call 360-546-9238, leave a message with your name, phone number, and preferred dates and times to meet if possible, and someone will return your call promptly.

  • Clark County Crisis Line (available 24 hours a day) at 800-626-8137
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 1-877-313-4455

Counseling and support services (24 hour) outside the University system can be obtained through YWCA at 1-800-695-0501 or (360) 696-0167.

Domestic Violence Information

If you are the victim of Domestic Violence, call 911 and report the incident to your local police. If a domestic violence incident occurs on the WSU Vancouver campus, WSU Vancouver Police Officers and local Law Enforcement will investigate. The University Police Department is located in the corner of the Classroom Building (VCLS 120) and can be reached by phone at (360) 546-9001 or by dialing 911.

Victims may also ask the City or County Prosecuting Attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to file a petition in Superior Court requesting an Order for Protection from domestic abuse that could include any of the following:

  1. An order restraining your abuser from further acts of abuse.
  2. An Order directing your abuser to leave your household.
  3. An Order preventing your abuser from entering your residence, school, business, or place of employment.
  4. An Order awarding you or the other parent custody of, or visitation with, your minor child or children; and
  5. An Order restraining your abuser from molesting or interfering with minor children in your custody.

The forms you need to obtain an Order for Protection are available at the Clark County Clerk's Office, ground floor, Courthouse, 1200 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98668.

The victim of domestic violence on-campus may choose for the investigation to be pursued through the University Conduct Board. In addition, the University Police Department will discuss all of the available options, including the prosecution of the offender, with the victim of domestic violence. Individuals may choose to report the incident directly to Student Services at (360) 546-9559, or Human Resources at (360) 546-9587, rather than Law Enforcement. A University representative from the police department and/or the office of Student Services will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim through the process.

Various counseling options are available, including on-campus counseling, through the Student Resource Center at (360) 546-9155 or through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 1-877-313-4455. Counseling and support services (24 hour) outside the University system can be obtained through YWCA at 1-800-695-0501 or (360) 696-0167.

University disciplinary proceedings are detailed in the Student Handbook. The Student Handbook provides information concerning Code of Conduct Violations. A student found guilty of violating the University misconduct policy (or policies) could be criminally prosecuted in the state courts and may be suspended or expelled from the University for the first-offense. Student victims have the option to change their academic situations after an alleged domestic assault, if such changes are reasonably available.

Employee policies concerning domestic violence/employee conduct may be viewed online or by contacting Human Resources at (360) 546-9587 or .

HRS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees at WSU Vancouver:

Washington State Department of Personnel
Employee Assistance Program

TDD/TTY users, please call via WA Relay at 711.

Olympia Main EAP Office:

1222 State Avenue NE, Suite 201
Olympia, WA. 98504-7540
Phone: 360-753-3260
Fax: 360-664-0498

WSU Pullman HRS Domestic Violence website: Domestic Violence Guidelines


Stalking as defined by Washington state statute RCW 9A.46.110 will be actively investigated by WSU Vancouver Department of Public Safety Officers.

If you are the victim of stalking, call 911 and report the incident to your local police. If a stalking incident occurs on the WSU Vancouver campus, WSU Vancouver Police Officers and/or local Law Enforcement will investigate. The University Police Department is located in the northwest corner of the Dengerink Administration building (VDEN 160) and can be reached by phone at (360) 546-9001 or by dialing 911.

Victims may also ask the City or County Prosecuting Attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to file a petition in Superior Court requesting an Order for Protection from stalking/domestic abuse that could include any of the following:

  1. An order restraining the stalking from further acts.
  2. An Order directing your stalker/abuser to leave your household.
  3. An Order preventing your stalker/abuser from entering your residence, school, business, or place of employment.
  4. An Order awarding you or the other parent custody of, or visitation with, your minor child or children; and
  5. An Order restraining your stalker/abuser from molesting or interfering with minor children in your custody.

The forms you need to obtain an Order for Protection are available at the Clark County Clerk's Office, ground floor, Courthouse, 1200 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98668.

The victim of stalking on-campus may choose for the investigation to be pursued through the University Conduct Board. In addition, the University Police Department will discuss all of the available options, including the prosecution of the offender, with the victim. Individuals may choose to report the incident directly to Student Services at (360) 546-9559, or Human Resources at (360) 546-9587, rather than Law Enforcement. A University representative from the Police Department and/or the office of Student Services will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim through the process.

Various counseling options are available, including on-campus counseling, through the Student Resource Center at (360) 546-9155 or through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 1-877-313-4455. Counseling and support services (24 hour) outside the University system can be obtained through YWCA at 1-800-695-0501 or (360) 696-0167.

University disciplinary proceedings are detailed in the Student Handbook. The Student Handbook provides information concerning Code of Conduct Violations. A student found guilty of violating the University misconduct policy (or policies) could be criminally prosecuted in the state courts and may be suspended or expelled from the University for the first-offense. Student victims have the option to change their academic situations after an alleged stalking, if such changes are reasonably available.

Employee policies concerning stalking/employee conduct may be viewed online or by contacting Human Resources at (360) 546-9587 or