All WSU faculty, staff, students, and visitors are expected to know and follow Executive Policy 15: Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment. WSU is committed to creating and maintaining a diverse, inclusive, accessible, and equitable community.
All University work units are expected to promote a work and academic environment which is free of discrimination and harassment. University work units should take steps to:
- Address conduct, in consultation with CCR, HRS, and the WSU Division of the Office of the Attorney General;
- Provide training to employees or students; and
- Ensure policies and procedures comply with this policy.
All WSU employees are required to:
- Contribute to a culture of compliance with this policy;
- Not engage in conduct prohibited under this policy;
- Promptly report possible violations of this policy as required (see Employee Reporting Requirements);
- Participate in an investigation or other resolution process under this policy, as appropriate;
- Not engage in retaliation or interference as prohibited by this policy; and
- Complete the required discrimination and harassment prevention employee training (see Employee Training Requirements).
Managers and supervisors are required to:
- Coordinate and cooperate with the Lead Title IX Coordinator or CCR regarding compliance, investigations, and resolutions under this policy, including taking appropriate steps to prevent or respond to potential retaliation and interference as prohibited by this policy;
- Ensure staff are adequately trained on this policy (see Employee Training Requirements);
- Engage in preventative activities and create a culture of compliance with this policy;
- Promptly report possible violations of this policy as required (see Employee Reporting Requirements);
- Participate in investigations or other resolution processes under this policy, as appropriate;
- Maintain records as required by the state and University retention policies;
- Execute resolutions or sanctioning, if appropriate; and
- Not engage in conduct prohibited under this policy.
WSU Vancouver’s Title IX Coordinator
Domanic Thomas, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment
Compliance and Civil Rights
509-335-8288 (phone)
509-335-5483 (fax)