Research by academic unit:
- Arts and Sciences
- Anthropology
- School of Biological Sciences
- School of Molecular Biosciences
- Creative Media and Digital Culture
- Criminal Justice
- Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies
- English
- School of the Environment
- Fine Arts
- Foreign Languages and Cultures
- History
- Math and Statistics
- Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience/Veterinary Medicine
- Psychology
- Public Affairs
- Sociology
- Business
- Engineering and Computer Science
- Education
- Human Development
- Library
- Nursing
Arts and Sciences
- Anthropology
Edward H. Hagen, Ph.D.; Nicole Hess, Ph.D.; Barry Hewlett, Ph.D.; Bonnie Hewlett, Ph.D., RN; Steven A. Weber, Ph.D.; Clare Wilkinson-Weber, Ph.D. - Evolution of cooperation in small groups
Nicole Hess, Ph.D.
School of Biological Sciences
- Ecology at Mount St. Helens; response of populations, communities and ecosystems to catastrophic disturbance
John Bishop, Ph.D. - Trait evolution in symbiotic organisms; impacts of dynamic environments on host and symbiont distributions
Stephanie Porter, Ph.D. - Hearing and communication
Christine Portfors, Ph.D. - Conservation biology
Cheryl Schultz, Ph.D.
School of Molecular Biosciences
- Zebrafish pigment cell biology
Cynthia Cooper, Ph.D. - Reproductive processes at the molecular level; environmental chemistry and toxicology
Steve Sylvester, Ph.D.
Creative Media and Digital Culture
- Electronic literature; motion tracking virtual environment
Dene Grigar, Ph.D. - Mobile apps; multimedia books
Will Luers, M.F.A.
Criminal Justice
- Probation officer discretion; the sociological impacts of prison siting; the implementation and operation of therapeutic courts; offending desistance trajectories among youth
Laurie A. Drapela, Ph.D.
Critical Culture, Gender and Race Studies
- Transnational and immigration studies
Luz MarĂa Gordillo, Ph.D.
- Ecocriticism, ecofeminism; environmental justice literature; 20th and 21st century American literature; 17th century British literature; creative writing; environmental health issues; homelessness; oral history; civil liberties; social movements
Desiree Hellegers, Ph.D. - Masculinity; race and sport; feminism
Thabiti Lewis, Ph.D. - Discourse in society and culture
Wendy Olson, Ph.D. - Holocaust representations; exile literature; critical theory and history of criticism
Leonard Orr, Ph.D. - Gender and sexuality; Goths
Carol Siegel, Ph.D.
School of the Environment
- Aquatic ecology
Steve Bollens, Ph.D.; Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Ph.D. - Climate Extremes and Impacts
Deepti Singh, PhD - Global change and watershed biogeochemistry
John Harrison, Ph.D. - Environmental Hydrodynamics
Stephen Henderson, Ph.D. - Climate, biosphere and pedosphere
Marc G. Kramer, Ph.D. - Hydrology, ecohydrology, and landscape dynamics
Kevan Moffett, Ph.D.
Fine Arts
- Avantika Bawa
- Sherri Bennett
- Harrison Higgs
- Noah Matteucci
Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Critical editions of the lyric poetry of medieval French knights
Joan Grenier-Winther, Ph.D.
- African and Atlantic world studies
Candice Goucher, Ph.D. - Native American programs
Steven M. Fountain, Ph.D. - Gender boundaries in industrial communities in Canada, the western U.S. and Australia
Laurie Mercier, Ph.D. - French colonial texts; slavery
Sue Peabody, Ph.D. - Nationalism, ethnicity and imperialism
Xiuyu Wang, Ph.D.
Math and Statistics
- Mathematical and computational neuroscience
Alexander Dimitrov, Ph.D. - Algebraic topology, discrete optimization, computational medicine, and computational biology
Bala Krishnamoorthy, Ph.D. - Mathematical Ecology and Environmental Modeling
Nikolay Strigul, Ph.D.
Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience/Veterinary Medicine
- Hair cells and hearing
Allison Coffin, Ph.D. - Cocaine addiction, preventing relapse
Barb Sorg, Ph.D.
- Multicultural psychology; substance abuse
Art Blume, Ph.D. - Adolescent health and wellness
Jessica Fales, Ph.D. - Neural mechanisms of morphine tolerance
Michael Morgan, Ph.D. - Coalition for healthy and equitable workplaces
Tahira Probst, Ph.D. - Psychology of chronic illnesses
Karen Schmaling, Ph.D.
Public Affairs
- Disability policy and neurodiversity
Dana Lee Baker, Ph.D. - International conflict; political psychology; evolutionary theory
Anthony C. Lopez, Ph.D. - Environmental governance; climage change policies on a sub-national level
Mark Stephan, Ph.D.
- Gendered organization of paid and unpaid labor
Katrina Leupp, Ph.D. - Social inequality
Alair Maclean, Ph.D.
- Corporate governance; capital market; shareholder litigation
Li Xu, Ph.D. - Entrepreneurial storytelling processes and methods
Rohny Saylors, Ph.D. - Entrepreneurship; biases in decision-making; internet and e-commerce; quantitative marketing models; statistical models
U.N. Umesh, Ph.D. - Individual security research; synthesis of IT in business
Michael Curry, D.B.A. - Hospitality and tourism
Florian Zach, Ph.D. - Organizational justice; workplace conflict; negotiations
Tom Tripp, Ph.D. - Practical ethics in action
Jane Cote, Ph.D. -
Restorative justice in organizations; organizational ethics; organizational governance
Jerry Goodstein, Ph.D. -
Software innovation development and adoption; internet-based systems and cross-cultural issues
Greg Rose, Ph.D. -
Tourism experiences and digital technology
Iis Tussyadiah
- At Home At School (AHAS)
Susan Finley, Ph.D. - General and special education in rural education; teacher preparation/induction; legal ramifications of admissions and dismissal decisions from professional programs
June Canty, Ph.D. - Language and education in culturally and linguistically diverse settings using ethnographic and sociolinguistic perspectives
Gisela Ernst-Slavit, Ph.D. - Leadership roles in schools; education structure and influence by social and organizational complexity
Sharon Kruse, Ph.D. - Mathematical reasoning and proof; STEM education
Kristin Lesseig, Ph.D. - Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices
Richard Sawyer, Ed.D. - PRiSSM: Partnership for Reform in Secondary Science and Mathematics
Tamara Holmlund Nelson, Ph.D.; David Slavit, Ph.D. - Racism in schools; critical race theory; after school programs; community engagement
Shameem Rakha, Ph.D. - STRIDE Project
David Slavit, Ph.D. - Wisdom of Pratice: An Online Journal of Action Research
Linda Mabry, Ph.D. - Writing interventions with technology
Michael Dunn, Ph.D.
Engineering and Computer Science
- Advanced materials and manufacturing
Dave (Dae-wook) Kim, Ph.D. - Computer-aided engineering
Linda (Xiaolin) Chen, Ph.D. - Distributed Systems Reseach Lab
Xinghui Zhao, Ph.D. - Electrochemical Engineering Lab
Sun Ung Kim, Ph.D. - Fluid dynamics and heat transfer
Stephen A. Solovitz, Ph.D. - Interfacial fluid dynamics lab
Hua Tan, Ph.D. - Micro-nano-bio systems
Jong-Hoon Kim, Ph.D. - Micro/Nanoelectronics and Energy Laboratory
Feng Zhao, Ph.D. - Nanomaterials and sensing applications
Praveen Sekhar, Ph.D. - Parallel and distributed storage
Xuechen Zhang, Ph.D. - Radio Frequency (RF) Research Lab
Tutku Karacolak, Ph.D. - Robotics and automation
Hakan Gurocak, Ph.D.
Human Development
- Families in poverty; rural families; co-parenting; health issues
Yoshie Sano, Ph.D. - Healthy aging; family gerontology; depression in adulthood; grief, coping and loss; personality development
Cory Bolkan, Ph.D. - Youth growing up at dehumanizing margins of democratic societies
Marcelo Diversi, Ph.D.
- Global resource sharing; electronic books and interlibrary loan; electronic reserves; purchase on demand
Linda Frederiksen, M.L.S. - Physical space impact on studying; information literacy learning
Karen Diller, Ph.D. - Usability and accessibility of web-based library resources; systemic reviews as evidence-based practice for librarians
Nicole Campbell, M.L.I.S.
- Children with physical disabilities and their intersection with alcohol and drug abuse, as well as their family outcomes
Linda Eddy, PhD - Community-based participatory research; cross cultural translation; instrument development using structural equational modeling methods; survey research using chi-square and multi-variate logistic regression analyses; qualitative, thematic analysis research
Connie Nguyen-Truong, PhD, RN, PCCN - Cultural competence/cultural safety in health care; nursing workforce diversity; cross cultural ethics
Dawn Doutrich, PhD, RN, CNS - Global health, child and adolescent health; curriculum development; organizational systems; leadership
Anita Hunter, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN - Meaning and practice of cultural safety in nursing practice and education
Lida Dekker, EdD, MN, RN, PHCNS-BC - Prescribing patterns for pediatric ADHD in Oregon and Washington Medicaid patients; nurse practitioner assessment and management of pediatric head injury
Tracy Klein, PhD, FNP, ARNP, FAAN, FAANP