Event parking—Good Host Program

Permits are available to WSU departments and outside agencies for $5 per day per vehicle. To obtain a permit, complete and submit the Parking Request Form below, and allow three business days for a response.

The form should also be used to notify Parking Services about the possible impact of visitor/event parking on campus.

  1. Permits will be sent electronically to requester.
  2. Invoicing will be based on the number of permits requested unless the requestor promptly notifies Parking Services of changes.
  3. Requests received with less than three business days’ notice will be processed on a case-by-case basis.

Please be sure that your event is scheduled through the WSU Vancouver Events Office.

Parking request form

Please provide date range.

This is the number of permits used to generate a billing invoice unless Parking Services is notified of a change to the requested amount before invoices are generated. For changes contact 360-546-9002 or parkingservices@wsu.edu.

Must be at least 3 business days from today's date.
If yes, please provide WSU contact information
If no, please provide requestor responsible for billing

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our request processing timeline of 3 working days; requests not allowing for the 3 business day lead time will be processed on a case by case basis, as staffing allows. Thank you.