Research Showcase Gallery (Poster 16480)

Quest for Arete


Prominent media theorist Janet Murray argues that immersive experiences are derailed when users are presented with interactive elements. Our project challenges that assertion.

Quest for Arete is a game produced on the Inform 7 platform that explores the use of Interactive Fiction to tell one story, over 10 episodes, to foster understanding of social justice and ethical living. As a Game for Change, Quest for Arete challenges users to think about attributes like honesty, magnanimity, and temperance to promote personal growth through meaningful engagement with each virtue.

The game was produced by students in the Fall 2020 Video Game Theories and History class offered by the CMDC Program at WSU Vancouver. It was enhanced for AdvXJam by 13 of these students who published Version 2.0 of Quest for Arete on the game platform. In addition to producing the game, the students created a logo, trailer, 3D animated logo, hand-coded project site with a walk-through to assist new users, and art to complement the game’s rich language and complex game mechanics.

Stefano Vannotti's action research serves as our methodology, leading us to three major findings. First, the creation of a cohesive episodic narrative using multimedia supports robust, descriptive writing and good game-play mechanics. Second, successful immersive experiences do not rely on mechanics alone, but also strong narrative structure directly inspired by the powerful usage of words to enthrall readers. Third, providing a narrative through-line that pulls together elements from all episodes provides catharsis and a satisfying user experience.

About the Presenters

Katya Farinsky

Katya Farinsky is a graduating senior in the Creative Media and Digital Culture Program pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Technology and Culture, the Professional Writing Certificate, and the Game Studies and Design Certificate. Katya loves storytelling and building rich multimedia user experiences that shape a thriving future. Her strengths include copywriting, digital storytelling, and multimedia design. Katya is highly involved on campus and enjoys working in diverse, multi-talented, creative teams.

Jazz Jackson

Jazz Jackson recently graduated Magna Cum Laude in December of 2020. Alongside receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Technology and Culture through the CMDC program, Jazz also completed the Game Studies and Design Certificate and a minor in Spanish. His strengths include team leadership, multimedia design, and creative thinking, all of which were sharpened throughout the entirety of his time in the program and the development of Quest for Arete's many multimedia components.

Drew Swanson

Drew Swanson is a graduating senior in the Creative Media and Digital Culture Program pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Technology and Culture and the Game Studies and Design Certificate. Drew is a concept artist, illustrator, and aspiring game designer. He loves bringing worlds to life through visual design and his role as lead artist on Quest for Arete took full advantage of this passion.

Andrew Thompson

Andrew Thompson is a senior in the Creative Media and Digital Culture Program pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Technology and Culture, the Game Studies and Design Certificate, and a Fine Arts Minor. Andrew is a student game developer who focuses on gameplay mechanics, player experience, level design, and group collaboration. Alongside his role as lead developer on Quest for Arete, he is currently working on Flash preservation through the ELO and acts as a leader in the Digital Design Club on campus.