21st Annual WSU Vancouver Research Showcase
The 2024 WSU Vancouver Research Showcase will take place on April 9. Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in the poster presentations. Graduate students are encouraged to participate in either the poster or podium presentations. Poster sessions will take place in the Firstenburg Student Commons from 9 a.m. to noon. Podium presentations will take place in Dengerink Administration Building, Room 129 from 1 – 4 p.m. An online gallery will be viewable on this website for poster presentations only. Faculty and students can also participate in an Award Ceremony at 4:30 p.m. on April 9 where the award winners will be announced.
How to Participate
Submit your abstract between Monday, Jan. 15 and Friday, March 8.
Judging Information
Three judges will be assigned to review your poster presentation. You will have an opportunity to present to each judge assigned to your presentation. In total, you will give your presentation at least three times. After your presentation, the judges will be able to ask in-depth questions about your research. Judges will then complete a scoring rubric and return it to the Committee for a final tally. Please refer to the rubric score sheet below.
Rubric Score Sheet for Poster Presentations
Three judges will be assigned to review your podium presentation. After your oral presentation, the judges and audience will be able to ask in-depth questions about your research. You will have three minutes to answer any questions. Judges will then complete a scoring rubric and return it to the committee for a final tally. Please refer to the rubric score sheet below.
Rubric Score Sheet for Podium Presentations
Schedule of Deadlines and Events
- Jan. 15: Accepting abstract submissions
- Feb. 23: Workshop—Learn How to Create an Effective Poster Presentation: Tips & Suggestions, 9 – 11 a.m. in Multimedia Classroom Building, Room 111 with Dene Grigar
- March 8: Abstract submission closes at 11:59 p.m.
- March 20 – All Presenters: Submission confirmation deadline—must be emailed by 11:59 p.m. to holly.davis@wsu.edu
- March 26: Workshop—Learn How to Create an Impactful Poster Presentation, 12 – 2 p.m. in Classroom Building, Room 130 with Georgina Cox
- March 26: Workshop—How to Prepare and Deliver an Impactful Podium Presentation, 4 – 5 p.m. in Dengerink Administration Building, Room 129, with Allison Coffin
- March 29 – Poster Presenters only: Poster and biography deadline—must be emailed by 11:59 p.m. to holly.davis@wsu.edu
- April 4 – Podium Presenters only: PowerPoint presentations must be emailed by 5 p.m. to holly.davis@wsu.edu
- April 9: Online gallery viewable to public
- April 9: Poster presentations, 9 a.m. – noon in Firstenburg Student Commons
- April 9: Graduate podium presentations, 1 – 4 p.m. in Dengerink Administration Building, Room 129
- April 9: Awards Ceremony, 4:30 p.m. in Dengerink Administration Building, Room 129.
A certificate of merit and a monetary award will be given to each of the top three graduate and undergraduate poster presenters. Additionally, a certificate of merit and a monetary award will be given to the top three graduate podium presenters. First place winners will receive $300; second place $250; and third place $200. Research Technician/Postdoc are allowed to participate but are ineligible for any award.
Awards Ceremony
The Awards Ceremony will be held 4:30 p.m. April 9 in the Dengerink Administration Building, Room 129. All presenters (including co-presenters) are expected to attend.
A special thank you to our 2024 donors who have made the monetary awards possible:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Holly Davis at holly.davis@wsu.edu.