Report an accessibility concern or barrier

This form is intended to identify concerns and barriers to access for users of the WSU Vancouver campus. The goal is to help foster a campus culture that is welcoming and seamlessly inclusive of all people to promote independence and academic excellence as an essential element of diversity.

You may use this form to report a physical or environmental condition on our campus that is hindering access to services and/or space. This form is meant for anyone (e.g., student, faculty, staff, or community member) to inform the Accessibility Council of a barrier to access on the WSU campus. If this is solely an individual need or concerns academics, and you are a student, please contact the Access Center. If this is solely an individual need and you are an employee on this campus, please contact HRS Disability Services.

Name and contact information is optional, but you are encouraged to provide this information as it will often help with the follow through process. The campus Accessibility Council meets monthly to address campus accessibility needs. At that time feedback will be reviewed and a plan of action determined. Items with an immediate threat to safety will be addressed in a timely manner; an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent upon initial review as well as follow up with recommendations.

Do you need an alternate format of this form? Contact the Access Center at or 360-546-9238, or visit the Access Center in Classroom Building, Room 110.

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