4.3. Enforcement Authority and Jurisdiction of Security Personnel

The WSU Vancouver Police Department is empowered through Chapter 43.101 of the Revised Code of Washington and has the enforcement authority and jurisdiction to arrest. Each WSU Vancouver police officer receives the same basic training as city and county peace officers throughout Washington State, in addition to training specific to the unique needs of a campus environment. The WSU Vancouver campus represents the primary jurisdiction of the WSU Vancouver Police Department. WSU Vancouver Police Officers and security staff enforce the law through arrests, citations, and warnings. Public safety staff handle a majority of patrol, investigation, crime prevention education, and related law enforcement duties for the campus community. The department manages the patrol, investigation, crime prevention education and related law enforcement duties for the campus community. The department is assisted by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office after campus business hours and when WSU Vancouver Police Department officers are unavailable.

The WSU Vancouver Police Department is comprised of:

  • 2 Sworn Officers
  • 3 Campus Security Officers (CSO’s)
  • 3-4 part-time Student Security Officers (SSO’s)

All recognized WSU student organizations must abide by federal, state, and local laws and WSU policies. WSU may become involved in off-campus conduct of students and recognized student organizations when such conduct implicates the Standards of Conduct for Students Policy.