Problem Solving (Six Sigma Level 1)

Kata, Kanban and VSM

  • course details
  • Dates and time: Determined based on your company's needs
  • Location: On-site at the company location
  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Format: In-person

This course is the introductory level for yellow belt training specifically focusing on problem solving for those who will be on green/black belt teams. HR, finance, shipping, and other support areas that may be involved with green/black belt teams and six sigma projects can also benefit from this course.

What you will learn

  • Understand how problem-solving fits into a culture of continuous improvement
  • Understand the philosophy and steps of the Lean Process (eliminate waste)
  • Use A3 problem solving approach
  • Develop effective problem statements
  • Use problem solving tools such as fishbone charts and the 5-Whys to analyze problems and drive to root cause(s)
  • Gather data and analyze data sets
  • Understand a Kanban system
  • Develop a value stream map

After successfully completing this training, participants will earn a certificate of completion.

More information?

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