Leadership and Effective Communication

  • course details
  • Dates and time: Determined based on your company's needs
  • Location: On-site at the company location
  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Format: In-person

This course contains tools and relational leadership guidelines to establish and maintain clarity, ownership, resolution and excellence for leaders and their respective teams.

What you will learn

  • Groom a culture of confidence, competence, and trust through relational and strategic leadership
  • Build effective communication skills that uplevel competencies, proficiency, and teamwork
  • Understand why conflict occurs and apply strategies to manage and resolve conflicts
  • Conduct challenging conversations grounded in facts and focused on improvement with ease and encouragement instead of judgment and discomfort

This course is comprehensive, insightful, effective, and enjoyable. Practice materials, homework, case studies and related role-plays will complement the course content.

After successfully completing this training, participants will earn a certificate of completion.

More information?

Please email pace.info@wsu.edu.