Re-Imagined Radio, “Radio Women”

Listen on KXRW-FM and KXRY-FM

Re-Imagined Radio celebrates Women's History Month with a tribute to eight women and three radio series that made significant and pioneering contributions to radio storytelling. This episode features radio storytelling by Lucille Fletcher, Edith Meiser, Ruth Woodman, Mary MacBride, Jean King, Cathy Lewis, Margaret Lynch and Gracie Allen, along with the radio series “Women in the Making of America,” “Gallant American Women” and “Candy Matson.”

Donut Miss the Presidential Primary

Enjoy a donut and coffee while learning about the history, strategy and the importance of the U.S. presidential primary from:

  • Greg Kimsey, Clark County auditor
  • Carolyn Long, associate professor of the School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs
  • Ann Donnelly, member of Clark County Republicans
  • Leah Perkel, executive member of Clark County Democrats
  • Mike Pond, former chair of Young Democrats of Clark County