Throughout summer 2024, the next generation of wireless access for campus called WSU Wireless Crimson will be installed and enabled on a building-by-building basis. WSU Wireless Crimson has been providing a high-density WiFi experience in the new Life Sciences Building since its opening, and now the faster speeds and lower latency of WiFi 6E are coming to the rest of campus. Today, WSU Wireless Crimson has been enabled in these buildings: ECS, FO, PP SCI, ANX and the first floor of SSC.
The plan is to install in one (or two if they are small) buildings each day; starting at the north end of the campus and working towards MCB. This work is primarily being done on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Once WSU Wireless Crimson is enabled in a building, the old WSU Wireless network will no longer be broadcasted in that building. The process for connecting to this new network will be the same as the process for connecting to WSU Wireless and WSU Guest. The difference will simply be the name. The new networks are WSU Wireless Crimson, and WSU Guest Crimson.
The physical installation is being led by Marty Randolph with help from one of our student workers, James Lesperance. Steve Rathbun is also key in the design and backend of this installation. The equipment, licenses, installation and services for WSU Wireless Crimson are made possible with the support of the WSU Vancouver administration and Student Technology Fee funds, along with the campus’ Information Technology team.
For questions or concerns, please contact the HelpDesk at or call (360) 546-9770.