1. I have been asked by a student how to get involved on campus. Where should I direct interested students?
Students are able to get connected on campus in several different ways. The best option is to have them visit the Office of Student Involvement, Student Diversity and Student Government (ASWSUV) in the Firstenburg Student Commons where they can learn about upcoming events, leadership opportunities and student positions within many student organizations or offices.
Students can also learn about student activities and student organizations through the CougSync portal. This is an online tool to help manage student organizations and to create a one-stop location for interested students, faculty and staff to see what student organizations have planned and what groups even exist. Students are encouraged to create a personal profile and join the organizations of interest to them. Organizations include: clubs (academic, social, recreational, special interest), the media organizations (newspaper, radio and journal) and student government. To learn more visit the Office of Student Involvement website or to login to CougSync visit wsuv.orgsync.com.
2. Can faculty participate in events on campus?
Yes! Many events and activities are open to the entire campus. In fact, research shows students are more successful when they engage with faculty including outside of the classroom. You can participate in a number of recreation trips, on-campus intramurals, film festivals, campus programming, guest lecturers, work out in the fitness center, etc. There are also many opportunities to serve on committees alongside students in order to help plan large-scale events and to address areas of student interest.
Most events and committees are connected to the following offices: Office of Student Involvement- contact: the student involvement manager, 360-546-9530; and Student Diversity- contact: the associate director of student diversity, 360-546-9568. Visit these websites to find out more: Office of Student Involvement (recreation, leadership, student organization events); Student Diversity (cultural programming).
3. Students have asked to make class announcements regarding upcoming events. Why are they doing this?
Student organizations are trying to engage fellow students and faculty in campus life. As a commuter campus, the best way to reach students is where they are – in the classrooms. Many events are funded with student fees and the event organizers want to ensure all students are aware of the activities. Announcements may also be about upcoming surveys where the student voice is essential and/or leadership opportunities and paid positions available to students. Each professor may set their own policy on in-class announcements.
4. Are students able to join or start a club?
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs or commonly referred to as clubs) are one of the best ways for students to get engaged on campus. Students can view current clubs via the CougSync portal at wsuv.orgsync.com. If they are interested in coordinating a club that does not exist they can do so with the help of four (4) fellow students, a faculty/staff advisor and a Constitution. The Office of Student Involvement works with all clubs and their faculty/staff advisors. If you or a student has questions, contact 360-546-9527. All details related to starting or continuing clubs are available at The Office of Student Involvement website.
5. Where do I refer students if they have a student concern?
Depending upon the type of concern there are several starting points. Several resources are noted elsewhere in this toolkit about discrimination, cheating, endangerment (conduct) issues, and they should be referred to accordingly.
If the student concern is related to the student experience, one resource is student government, the Associated Students of Washington State University Vancouver (ASWSUV). ASWSUV is the voice of the students and works to serve the students in areas such as the cost of tuition, advocating for student interests to administration, allocation of student fees, etc. ASWSUV provides several resources for students such as lockers on campus, leadership opportunities, paid student positions, access to local and state representatives, voter registration drives, campus activities, etc. ASWSUV is the place for students to feel comfortable sharing their concerns and to be heard by a fellow student. For more information visit the ASWSUV website.