Student conduct and academic integrity

1. If I suspect that the student code of conduct has been violated what office do I contact for more information?

Please contact the Director for Student Development in the Office of Student Affairs at 360-546-9530.

2. How do I report a student conduct code violation?

Please use this website to report potential student conduct code violations.

3. Who can file a complaint?

Anyone who believes they have been subjected to acts that violate his/her rights, welfare or individual dignity. The Director for Student Development will review written complaints and determine if there is a violation of a Standard of Conduct for Students. The Director for Student Development will meet with the complaining party to explain the process and answer questions. The complaining party must be willing to appear at a conduct hearing if necessary. Read more information about WSU’s Student Code of Conduct.

4. If one student accuses another of cheating, how should I approach this?

If this involves two students who are in one of your classes, first meet privately with the accuser and ask him/her to provide evidence of cheating. Then follow up with a private meeting with the accused. Address the situation with him/her and share the evidence you gathered. If you feel strongly the evidence supports cheating, you may then contact the Director for Student Development and report an academic integrity violation.

If the students are not in your class, you should refer the accusing student directly to the professor in whose class the cheating incident reportedly occurred.

5. Can I share the outcome of an academic integrity case with the accuser (student who reported the cheating)?

No. Academic integrity case information is shared only with the professor of record and the academic director for that department. The student who suspected the cheating must trust that appropriate actions have been taken.

6. What do I do if I suspect a student is cheating?

Gather as much evidence as possible. You may wish to talk with your department chair and/or the Director for Student Development prior to confronting the student. Once you have assembled evidence, notify the student about your concerns and provide a date, time and place for a face-to-face meeting to discuss the situation. Show the evidence to the student, and allow the student an opportunity to respond. Assign an outcome correlated to the statement included in your class syllabus.

7. If I determine that a student has cheated, how do I report the incident?

Notify the Center for Community Standards by completing the electronic reporting form.

The Director for Student Development will get back to you and request copies of the evidence, a copy of your syllabus and information regarding the sanction you have imposed.