1. How do I advertise an event?
The Office of Marketing and Communication is available to help you market your event, update your website or get your news out. The following link provides information regarding available marketing services: Marketing and Communications website. Please contact Marketing and Communication at 360-546-9599 for further information.
If your event is connected to a registered student organization (a.k.a. club), the club can access resources in the Office of Student Involvement. Partnerships with student organizations, ASWSUV and/or the Office of Student Involvement are encouraged. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities contact 360-546-9527.
2. How do I coordinate an event, training or conference on campus?
The campus Event Coordinator is able to assist you in planning your campus events. The first step is to submit a room reservation request online. Additional support such as room setup, event logistic planning, and coordination with services for food, parking and A/V is also available.
3. Are there resources to assist with campus visitors or to showcase the student experience to prospective students?
Yes! The Student Ambassador program is designed to support campus tours, to offer trained students to serve on panels/information sessions, to share the WSU Vancouver student experience and more. The Ambassadors are a diverse group of current students who represent various disciplines, ages, and backgrounds and are involved both on- and off-campus. Student Ambassadors can also assist with campus events such as information nights, conferences by serving at check-in tables, assisting with day-of event needs, and serving on student panels or providing campus tours. To request an Ambassador, complete the online form.