Custodial services
The primary focus of the custodial crew is maintaining building cleanliness. Event set ups and other similar activities are usually handled by the Facilities Operations day crew staff. Call 360-546-9000 if you notice a spill anywhere. This allows better cleanup of the spill and also ensures better safety for the campus community. For special cleaning requests, call 360-546-9000.
Furniture purchases
Requests for additional furniture (such as desks, chairs, filing cabinets) may be accommodated by WSU Vancouver surplus furniture supplies at no charge to the requestor. If the furniture item being requested is not available from surplus, the requesting department will need to purchase the item from their budget.
Furniture moves
Office and other moves into existing areas are approved by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations' office. Call 360-546-9000 or 360-546-9707 if you want/need to change your office assignment.
Office moves
Intra-campus office and other moves into existing areas are approved by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations' office. Call 360-546-9000 or 360-546-9707 if you want/need to change your office assignment.
Inventory control and surplus disposal
Please contact the campus equipment coordinator before you move any item which has a WSU Inventory Control Number. Furniture, equipment and other items that have been purchased with University or grant funds must be disposed of through the surplus process and may not be given away. A Surplus Property Form needs to be filled out for each item being disposed. Consult BPPM 20.50 for additional guidance.
Contact the campus equipment coordinator by email at or call 360-546-9708.
Key control
Please call Facilities and Operations to see if the key you are requesting is in stock and what procedures are to obtain and return keys properly.
Grounds maintenance
The groundskeeping team is responsible for the landscape maintenance of the 352 acres composing the WSU Vancouver campus. As with all interior areas, we would ask that you assist with this maintenance by using trash receptacles and cleaning up after your pets. Pesticide applications are posted before any actual pesticide is applied. All chemical applications are scheduled to create minimal interference with campus events and social activities as much as possible. The minimum amount of chemical required to accomplish the task (fertilize, pesticide applications, etc.) is used, and all chemicals are scrutinized for environmental impact. The fountain in the center of the Quad is maintained with chemicals to assist with water cleanliness. However, on hot days in particular, this is a popular area for young children and pets and the water should not be viewed as drinkable.