The Office of Equity and Diversity has created sample equity goals to help staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators in creating an annual goal that is infused with equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging and/or justice. Feel free to use any sample goal from the guide and adapt it to align with your role and/or purpose. While extensive, the guide is not exhaustive. It includes sample equity goals from all five goals of the WSU Vancouver Strategic Plan. It also includes sample equity goals in additional categories of priority on campus. Any sample equity goal selected from this guide or equity goal created independent of this guide may need to be adjusted into SMARTIE goal format.
Annual SMARTIE goal characteristics:
Specific—The goal is well defined, clear and unambiguous.
Measurable—It includes specific information to indicate progress toward meeting the goal.
Achievable—The goal is attainable and not impossible to achieve.
Relevant—The goal is reachable, realistic and relevant to your purpose.
Timely—It has a clearly defined timeline.
*Inclusive—The goal disrupts the status quo of power and includes participation of people from historically excluded communities in decision-making, policies, practices and procedures.
*Equitable—The goal calls attention and takes responsibility to dismantle inequities and commit change agency to advance equity.
*The goal may also embed belonging, diversity and justice to meet the “IE.”
Sample equity goals for faculty:
- I will examine my reading list for at least one of my courses with an equity lens. I will research the course topics, looking for ways to bring in readings, research and works by scholars who have been historically underrepresented in my discipline.
- I will create a portal that easily connects faculty, specifically faculty from historically excluded communities, to the campus, system and external research opportunities, including funding, writing groups, etc.
- I will design courses using accessibility and universal design practices.
- I will design courses using open educational resources.
- I will invite a critical peer from my unit to observe one of my lectures, taking data specifically based on who asks or answers questions during class. I will use this data to come up with a plan for how to engage a broader spectrum of students.
- I will attend the Equity Pedagogy Luncheons at least once a month.
- I will participate in the Faculty of Color Resource Group and share information from the group with staff and faculty colleagues to further enhance faculty equity and belonging in practices and policies.
Sample equity goals for supervisors and administrators:
- I will ensure equity and diversity representation beyond surface level in all shared governance bodies, including Council of Faculty Representatives, to disrupt the status quo of implicit bias in the process and to create governance bodies more representative of the student body.
- I will use the Equity Impact Assessment Tool intentionally in my unit/department during meetings, decision-making, creating and reviewing of policies, practices and procedures.
- I will embed equity in the hiring process and be more intentional about representation of diversity in search committees, search chairs, interview questions and overall search processes.
- I will develop career pathway programs to retain and provide career opportunities for faculty and staff from a diversity of communities, including support in tenure and/or promotion processes.
- I will develop a process to ensure equity and inclusion in research proposals, specifically proposals submitted, accepted and funded by faculty from historically excluded communities, including faculty from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, women, disability and LGBTQ+ communities.
- I will review how mini grants for collaborative projects awarded to ensure an inclusion, equity and participation of historically underrepresented communities.
- I will offer research and teaching support for faculty (including graduate students) and staff returning from parental leave.
- I will make student evaluations optional (to include in tenure and promotion) for at least one term for any faculty (including graduate students) returning from parental leave.
- I will lift up and support research in the areas of equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice and provide opportunities for funding and publishing works.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors or administrators:
- I will help develop a strategy to make research opportunities more accessible for historically underrepresented faculty and staff, including WSU-specific and national opportunities.
- I will support efforts to expand funding opportunities for faculty from historically excluded communities, including general and specific funding sources both internally and externally.
- I will explore opportunities to join research projects with a focus on equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice with the goal of supporting PIs, serving as co-PI and/or providing administrative support.
- I will develop links to help the unit/department access resources on equity, diversity and inclusion from the webpage of the Office of Equity and Diversity.
- I will disaggregate data to determine pipeline and areas of departmental parity and disparity.
- I will use and apply the Equity Impact Assessment Tool in all aspects of making and reviewing of policies, practices, decisions and improvements.
- I will use equity-minded grounding assumptions to begin meetings and/or presentations. I will consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity for examples.
- I will create opportunities for staff to participate in research and creative activity consistent with the university’s strategic mission through committees, department-level networks and/or related projects.
- I will help develop a strategy to make research opportunities more accessible for historically underrepresented faculty and staff, including WSU-specific and national opportunities.
- I will address microaggressions when they occur, including those committed and perpetuated by colleagues.
- I will develop links to help the unit/department in accessing resources on equity, diversity and inclusion from the webpage of the Office of Equity and Diversity.
Sample equity goals for staff:
- I will seek and infuse more equitable advising to impact student success from enrollment to graduation.
- I will be intentional about providing students with a list of opportunities and information to decrease student financial burden and stress, specifically students from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will partner with academic support networks on campus committed to disrupting high “DFW” rates in courses, including the Library, Writing Center, Math and Science Skills Center, and the Access Center.
- I will create opportunities for students from historically underrepresented populations to get connected with student groups and organizations on campus, including identity-based clubs and campus centers.
- I will develop a list of campus departments and centers that students may access with specific focus on inclusion, equity and diversity, such as CILA, OSI, Access Center, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, etc.
- I will help get culturally responsive information to the campus community about the reopening of on-campus child care.
Sample equity goals for faculty:
- I will attend the Equity Pedagogy Luncheons at least once a month.
- I will mentor adjunct faculty and graduate students who teach classes that have previously been taught by the faculty member. That includes sharing syllabi, assessment practices and overall mentoring.
- I will be intentional in advocating for faculty, especially mentees—specifically from historically underrepresented communities.
- I will organize seminars or workshops to present success and/or growth opportunities in implementing equitable practices in classes.
- When organizing conferences, I will include policies or procedures that make the conference accessible for caregivers and parents.
- I will create and implement a survey to get to know about my students, their culture, background, and ways of knowing and being. I will use this information to build sincere and mindful relationships with the students in my courses.
- I will work on having a “human first, student second” philosophy in my way of interacting with students in my courses.
- I will learn and use my students’ pronouns and names (including pronunciation) in all classes.
- I will work on improving my flexibility with students, when feasible, when it comes to assignment due dates.
- At midterm, I will look carefully at student grades. I will meet in person with any students who are not working to the standard of a C or better to discuss a plan for improvement and supports.
- I will take attendance in my classes and will follow up with students when they are absent, from a stance of caring, not punishment.
- I will provide an opportunity to students to introduce and share about themselves—this may be done during class time or as an initial course survey that asks about the students. This also could be used as an extra-credit opportunity.
Sample equity goals for supervisors and administrators:
- I will use the Equity Impact Assessment Tool intentionally in my unit/department during meetings, decision-making, and creating and reviewing of policies, practices and procedures.
- I will establish opportunities to expand high school to college summer bridge programs that support enrollment and graduation of students from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will support graduate student career preparedness efforts and apply an equity lens to ensure historically underrepresented communities are supported in career placement, marketability and networking.
- I will include questions in faculty and student evaluations to assess diversity, equity and inclusion practices in the classroom.
- When scheduling classes for adjunct faculty, first-year faculty and graduate students, I will consider scheduling in fewer days. For instance, if an adjunct faculty is teaching two courses, I will seek for them to be both on Tuesdays and Thursdays, instead of one on M/W and another on T/Th.
- I will evaluate teaching loads in connection to student enrollment in classes and distribute the teaching load in an equitable way. For instance, one faculty might be teaching nine credits (three courses) with 120 students, while others might be teaching nine credits with 20 students.
- I will evaluate how service loads are assigned to faculty and staff who are not volunteering or choosing their assignment (in terms of time commitment, representation, tokenism, etc.).
- When organizing meetings with faculty or staff of different ranks or areas, I will set up agendas so topics that concern the most are discussed first. For instance, in faculty meetings, general discussion could be scheduled first and topics that do not involve adjunct faculty or graduate students could be discussed later—in that way, adjunct faculty and graduate students could leave instead of having to attend the whole meeting.
- I will make student evaluations optional (to include in tenure and promotion) at least for one term for any faculty (including graduate students) returning from parental leave.
- I will develop career pathway programs to retain and provide career opportunities for faculty and staff from a diversity of communities, including support in tenure and/or promotion processes.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will disaggregate data to determine pipeline and areas of departmental parity and disparity.
- I will use equity-minded grounding assumptions to begin meetings and/or presentations. I will consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity for examples.
- I will develop a proposal for and/or participate in a formal campus mentorship program that provides support for students from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will visit CILA at least once per term and spend time with students there.
- I will visit the Student Involvement Fair and meet with students who attend, learn about student groups and how I may support them.
- I will use and apply the Equity Impact Assessment Tool in all aspects of making and reviewing of policies, practices, decisions and improvements.
- I will join committees and/or groups focused on expanding high school to college summer bridge programming to impact the success of students from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will support graduate student career preparedness efforts and apply an equity lens to ensure historically underrepresented communities are supported in career placement, marketability and networking.
- I will develop and provide a list of equity-minded resources to support students from historically underrepresented and excluded communities to access on- and off-campus employment.
Sample equity goals for staff:
- I will request time to participate in equity, diversity and inclusion-oriented councils, committees and initiatives on campus.
- I will request to join or seek appointment to campus efforts to incorporate art that features a wide range of cultures and identities.
- I will develop strategies to help embed equity and inclusion in the restructuring of new student orientation to ensure that all students, including students from historically underrepresented populations, feel a sense of belonging and inclusion.
Sample equity goals for faculty:
- I will create a team of at least one faculty and two students (specifically students from underrepresented communities) to participate in at least one Preview Day to encourage a more diverse pool of student applicants to our program.
- I will provide flexible course delivery for students to support students’ need for remote learning options.
- I will request to join or seek appointment to campus efforts to incorporate art that features a wide range of cultures and identities.
- I will attend the Equity Pedagogy Luncheons at least once a month.
- I will join campus committees and groups with an intentional focus on developing and expanding admission programs to support enrollment goals through an equity lens.
Sample equity goals for supervisors and administrators:
- I will develop career pathway programs to retain and provide career opportunities for faculty and staff from a diversity of communities, including support in tenure and/or promotion processes.
- I will develop a committee on incorporating art that features a wide range of cultures and identities into the physical campus.
- I will leverage the OneWSU model to connect with non-donors, including from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will advocate for equity and diversity in philanthropic efforts, donors and naming opportunities of campus structures, including people from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, women, disability, LGBTQ+ and historically underrepresented communities.
- When new team members are hired, as part of their onboarding, I will include activities that include information, expectations and resources on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors or administrators:
- I will create a recruitment strategy that partners with current students and alumni from historically underrepresented and excluded communities to connect and build relationships with prospective students.
- I will disaggregate data to determine pipeline and areas of departmental parity and disparity.
- I will advocate for gender-inclusive restrooms in all currently existing and new buildings on campus.
- I will advocate and join any effort (i.e., committee) to bring new academic program(s) to campus with a focus on equity, diversity and inclusion, including a major in ethnic studies.
- I will develop career pathway programs to retain and provide career opportunities for faculty and staff from a diversity of communities, including support in tenure and/or promotion processes.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will assist in efforts to grow a pipeline of students into grant-funded programs with a focus on access and equity.
- I will participate and encourage my unit to participate in the BaCE Equity Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts to improve equity in policy and practice.
- I will complete my demographic information in Workday to ensure accurate demographic data for WSU Vancouver.
- I will join an existing Employee Resource Group (i.e., Prism, SEEC Association, Space for Us).
- I will create a new Employee Resource Group that provides support and uplift for a historically underrepresented and/or excluded community.
- I will seek appointment and/or nomination to councils and committees with a focus on equity and inclusion on campus (i.e., Accessibility Council, BaCE, ESOC, Chancellor’s Equity Award Committee, Indigenous Campus Signage Committee, etc.).
- I will use the Equity Impact Assessment Tool intentionally in my unit/department during meetings, decision-making, and creating and reviewing of policies, practices and procedures.
- I will use data from the Campus Climate Survey to create equity-minded initiatives to improve persistence.
- I will create dedicated time during the semester that allows for colleagues to meet and create a better sense of community in our unit/department/area.
- I will set meetings during hours that are more convenient for caregivers (i.e., avoid drop-off and pickup times).
- I will critically examine whom I call on during meetings/class to ensure a more culturally responsive and strengths-based approach.
- When new team members are hired, as part of their onboarding, I will include activities that involve information, expectations and resources on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- During presentations, meetings and in print, I will be more intentional about recognizing that the campus is located on Indigenous homelands.
- I will serve as PI or co-PI for my unit/department’s BaCE Equity Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts to improve equity in policy and practice.
- I will design courses using accessibility and universal design practices.
- I will participate in the BaCE Summer Pedagogy Academy. I will implement a change project based on this academy in one of my courses.
- I will address microaggressions when they occur, including those perpetuated by colleagues of other supervisors and administrators.
- I will commit to taking the BaCE workshop on microaggressions.
- I will ensure that searches for new employees are advertised and recruitment strategy is intentional to attract candidates from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, women, disability, LGBTQ+ and historically underrepresented communities; and to normalize hiring candidates from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will develop career pathway programs to retain and provide career opportunities for faculty and staff from a diversity of communities, including support in tenure and/or promotion processes.
- I will use culturally responsive and equity-minded grounding assumptions during meetings, classes and presentations. I will consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity for examples.
- I will join the committee and any efforts to support tribal presence on campus through physical signage, tribal flags, Indigenous art and ongoing cultural engagement.
- I will use and apply the Equity Impact Assessment Tool in all aspects of making and reviewing of policies, practices, decisions and improvements.
- I will participate actively and complete the BaCE Certificate.
- I will participate actively and complete the BaCE Accessibility/Universal Design Certificate.
- I will get involved as a participant in the BaCE reading group, “We Love Reading with Obie and Renny.”
- I will recommend that my unit/department attend BaCE sessions as a unit/department or with colleagues from the same unit/department.
- I will hold a monthly share and strategize session about BaCE workshops, Amplified articles or readings for heritage months, and create action-oriented opportunities from each session to impact practice, policy or process.
- I will create a new Employee Resource Group that provides support and uplift for a historically underrepresented and/or excluded community.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will join a board or advisory group of a company/organization that has a focus on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- I will create an event that brings together WSU Vancouver alumni from specific historically underrepresented communities.
- I will recommend community leaders from a diversity of identities and communities to leaders of the advisory councils on campus (i.e., Advisory Council; Equity and Diversity Advisory Council, etc.) to ensure all councils represent communities served by WSU Vancouver.
- I will collaborate with campus units and external partners to develop opportunities for service- and community-based learning that has a focus on equity and diversity.
- I will partner with campus units to develop a supplier diversity initiative that will provide resources, outreach activities and improved procurement system processes, and engage the campus community to participate in a more equitable and inclusive procurement process.
- I will develop a list of all external memberships held by WSU Vancouver, including seats on boards, and create opportunities to expand memberships with boards and organizations that center on equity and diversity.
- I will use the Equity Impact Assessment Tool intentionally in my unit/department during meetings, decision-making, and creating and reviewing of policies, practices and procedures.
- I will develop career pathway programs to retain and provide career opportunities for faculty and staff from a diversity of communities, including support in tenure and/or promotion processes.
- When new team members are hired, as part of their onboarding, I will include activities that include information, expectations and resources on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- I will use equity-minded grounding assumptions to begin meetings and/or presentations. I will consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity for examples.
- I will promote the BaCE Enrichment Series in the community to assist in recruitment of companies and organizations in the program.
- I will recommend community leaders from a diversity of identities and communities to serve on advisory councils on campus (i.e., Advisory Council; Equity and Diversity Advisory Council, etc.) to ensure all councils represent communities served by WSU Vancouver.
- I will develop alumni identity groups as a way to mobilize giving efforts of alumni from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will nominate WSU Vancouver faculty and staff for the Chancellor’s Award for Advancing Equity.
- I will nominate WSU Vancouver faculty from historically underrepresented communities for the Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence.
- I will nominate WSU Vancouver students from historically underrepresented communities for the Chancellor’s Award for Student Achievement Excellence.
- I will nominate WSU Vancouver staff from historically underrepresented communities for the Chancellor’s Award for Staff Excellence.
- I will nominate leaders of the community from historically underrepresented communities for the Chancellor’s Award for Service to WSU Vancouver.
- I will nominate faculty, staff and campus groups for WSU system awards and for the Martin Luther King Spirit Award.
- I will develop new awards and/or opportunities of recognition that honor staff, faculty, students and/or alumni with an emphasis on equity and inclusion.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will participate in the BaCE Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts of our unit/department to engage the inventory across selected practices, processes and policies of the unit/department.
- I will serve as PI or co-PI for my unit/department’s BaCE Equity Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts to improve equity in policy and practice.
- I will encourage my unit/department to participate in the BaCE Equity Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts to improve equity in policy and practice.
- I will participate in the BaCE Summer Pedagogy Academy and also take workshops toward the BaCE Certificate and the Accessibility and Universal Design Certificate.
- I will participate in the BaCE Pedagogy Academy. I will implement a change project based on this academy in one of my courses.
- I will participate actively and complete a BaCE Certificate.
- I will participate actively and complete a BaCE Accessibility/Universal Design Certificate.
- I will participate in the BaCE reading group, “We Love Reading with Obie and Renny.”
- I will encourage my unit/department to attend BaCE as a unit/department or with colleagues from the same unit.
- I will receive an individual debrief of my Intercultural Development Inventory.
- I will work on my IDI Intercultural Development Plan monthly.
- I will host monthly lunch talks using questions from the IDI Intercultural Development Plan. During month one, discussion may focus on the following questions: How diverse is your community? The following month: How diverse is your workplace? Etc.
- I will pick one type of IDI Intercultural Development Plan activity per month to engage in—film, theater, coaching, reading, etc. This could be based upon heritage months.
- I will commit to taking the BaCE workshop on recognizing and responding to microaggressions.
- I will partner with the Office of Equity and Diversity and develop a strategy to market the BaCE Enrichment Series to engage companies/organizations to enroll in the program.
- I will take the BaCE workshop on equity in the search process to become more equipped with tools and resources to recruit from a diverse pool of candidates and normalize hiring of candidates from historically excluded populations, including people from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, women, disability, LGBTQ+ and historically excluded communities.
- I will take the IDI through the BaCE program and complete implicit bias inventories through Project Implicit to become aware of my own intercultural mindset and implicit bias.
- I will promote the BaCE Enrichment Series in the community to assist in recruitment of company/organization participation in the program.
- I will hold a monthly share and strategize session about BaCE workshops, Amplified articles, or readings for heritage month, and create action-oriented opportunities from each session to impact practice, policy or process.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will have monthly “share your success” stories in relation to equity, diversity and inclusion. During the session, we will set goals together and hold each other accountable in a consistent way. This will build skills and increase teamwork, community and morale.
- I will develop a reading group specific to the current heritage month or based upon a BaCE session's "suggested read" or video.
- I will host a movement meeting that involves moving on campus together, practicing mindful breathing (possibly yoga) together.
- I will meditate on a word or concept of the day. This could include concepts and vocabulary specific to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging.
- During lunch once per quarter, I will play a soundtrack of each person’s favorite songs or song that makes a person’s day.
- I will host a game day—play board games or card games together once a month or quarter.
- I will hold an off-campus meeting once per month or quarter at a Black-, Hispanic/Latinx-, Indigenous-, Asian-, Pacific Islander-, Native American-, People of Color-, LGBTQ+- and/or disabled-owned business.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- As a campus police officer, I will attend campus events in plain clothing and with weapon(s) completely concealed.
- As a campus police officer, I will partner with student identity-based groups and/or staff/faculty Employee Resource Groups to build community, relationships and trust.
- As a campus police unit, we will post photos of officers and staff on the department webpage to assist in transparency and facilitate community building with students, staff and faculty.
- As campus police, we will host workshops on our role on- and off-campus as advocates of inclusion and belonging.
- I will partner with campus police to create workshops and/or events that build a community of inclusion and belonging between my unit (and/or campus community) and campus police.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will attend regional, national and/or international conferences or development opportunities with a focus on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- I will request time to participate in equity-, diversity- and inclusion-oriented councils, committees and initiatives on campus, such as the BaCE Core Team, Bias Response Team, Equity of Student Outcomes Council, Student Success Council, Accessibility Council and Council on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
- I will join the Accessibility Council and serve as a liaison for my department on updates surrounding accessibility and physical improvements to campus.
- I will seek appointment to the Accessibility Council to be more involved with improvements in accessible support and instruction across campus.
- I will ensure equity and diversity representation beyond the surface level in all shared governance bodies, including student government, staff councils, faculty councils (i.e., Council of Faculty Representatives), to disrupt the status quo of implicit bias in the process and to create governance bodies more representative of the student body and aligned with WSU Vancouver’s strategic priority for equity.
- I will support efforts and partnership of the Faculty of Color Resource Group by sharing information about the group with faculty and providing resources that may assist in the group’s success.
- I will develop an identity group for WSU Vancouver alumni to mobilize connection and giving opportunities of alumni from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will join campus committees and groups with an intentional focus on developing and expanding admission programs to support enrollment goals through an equity lens.
- I will recommend community leaders from a diversity of identities and for advisory councils on campus (i.e., Advisory Council; Equity and Diversity Advisory Council, etc.) to ensure all councils represent communities served by WSU Vancouver.
- I will create opportunities for students from historically underrepresented populations to get connected with student groups and organizations on campus, including identity-based clubs and campus centers.
- I will join an existing Employee Resource Group (i.e., Prism, SEEC Association, Space for Us).
- I will create a new Employee Resource Group that provides support and uplift for a historically underrepresented and/or excluded community.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will use data to review and revise policies and practices to achieve equitable student outcomes and optimize faculty and staff efforts and outcomes.
- I will use restorative justice/truth and reconciliation approaches to address harmful past and present practices uncovered in collection and review of institutional data, including archival data.
- I will complete my demographic information in Workday to ensure accurate demographic data for WSU Vancouver.
- I will disaggregate data to determine pipelines and areas of parity and disparity to move efforts for equity and inclusion forward in policy, practice, process and/or pedagogy.
- I will use inclusive data collection methodology, including qualitative methods.
- I will reframe notions of “statistical insignificance” when referring to historically underrepresented and excluded communities, including racial and ethnic communities.
- I will participate in the BaCE Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts of our unit/department to engage the inventory across selected practices, processes and policies of the unit.
- I will serve as PI or co-PI for my unit/department’s BaCE Equity Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts to improve equity in policy and practice.
- I will encourage my unit/department to participate in the BaCE Equity Planning and Practice Inventory and support efforts to improve equity in policy and practice.
- I will disaggregate and carefully examine student grades to see if there are any gaps and/or inequities across student demographics (i.e., race, gender, etc.).
- I will create and implement equity-minded strategies to address inequities in my classroom, unit, department.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will use the Equity Impact Assessment Tool intentionally in my unit/department during meetings, decision-making, and creating and reviewing of policies, practices and procedures.
- I will use equity-minded grounding assumptions to begin meetings and/or presentations. I will consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity for examples.
- I will use and apply the Equity Impact Assessment Tool in all aspects of making and reviewing of policies, practices, decisions and improvements.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will embed equity in the hiring process and be more intentional about representation of diversity in search committee, search chair, interview questions and overall search.
- I will ensure that searches for new employees are advertised and that the recruitment strategy is intentional to attract candidates from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, women, disability, LGBTQ+ and historically underrepresented communities; and to normalize hiring candidates from historically underrepresented and excluded communities.
- I will require the BaCE workshop on Equity in the Search Process for all of my team members.
- I will embed equity in the hiring process and be more intentional about the representation of diversity in search committees, search chairs, interview questions and overall search processes.
- When new team members are hired, as part of their onboarding, I will include activities that involve information, expectations and resources on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- I will place the equity search committee toolkit online so that it is easily accessible by search teams, supervisors and administrators.
- I will create position descriptions that are equity-infused and eliminate racially coded and/or boilerplate language.
- I will take the BaCE workshop on equity in the search process to become more equipped with tools and resources to recruit from a diverse pool of candidates and normalize hiring of candidates from historically excluded populations, including people from Black, Indigenous, Latinx, People of Color, women, disability, LGBTQ+ and historically excluded communities.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will be more intentional about recognizing that the campus is located on tribal homelands during presentations.
- I will use culturally responsive and equity-minded grounding assumptions during meetings and presentations. I will consult with the Office of Equity and Diversity for examples.
- I will join the committee and any efforts to support tribal presence on campus through physical signage, tribal flags, Indigenous art and ongoing cultural engagement.
- I will seek opportunities to partner with WSU Vancouver Native Programs on initiatives and efforts for Native American Affairs on campus.
- I will be intentional about acknowledging Indigenous lands on which WSU Vancouver is situated and naming this during events, presentations and in print.
- I will attend programs and events of WSU Vancouver Native Programs and support efforts of the unit.
- I will partner with units to recruit students from Native American and Indigenous communities to WSU Vancouver.
- I will connect and recommend community members, partners and leaders from Native and Indigenous communities to the coordinator of Native American programs.
- I will partner with WSU Vancouver Native Programs to create a webpage that provides information about efforts and opportunities of the unit.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will commit to taking the BaCE workshop on recognizing and responding to microaggressions and applying tools from the workshop in practice.
- I will address microaggressions with care and intention when they occur, including those perpetuated by colleagues, students and guests.
- I will be more proactive to create space during meetings, classes and/or presentations to reduce and/or eliminate the occurrence of microaggressions.
- I will support individuals (i.e., students, staff, faculty, guests) who experience microaggressions to ensure they are taking care and have what they need.
- I will interrupt or revisit microaggressions when they occur (in class, meetings, events) to disrupt their (re)occurrence and create space for healing.
Sample equity goals for staff, faculty, supervisors and administrators:
- I will include my pronouns in my email signature, business cards, syllabus and workplace to foster community.
- I will create a strategy to connect with students and/or colleagues before asking to share pronouns and/or name in front of other people.
- I will include language in my class, department and/or unit policies stipulating that employees and students can expect colleagues to use pronouns.
- I will be mindful to use gender-inclusive language that respects and acknowledges gender identities of all people and removes assumptions. This shifts the burden from LGBTQ+ and gender-variant employees.
- I will create a welcoming and inclusive classroom and/or working environment for students, staff and/or faculty to be their authentic selves, including using their pronouns and names.
- I will issue clear leadership and guidelines about the use of pronouns in my class, department and/or unit.