First, take the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Pre-Assessment
The IDI pre-assessment is the prerequisite for all BaCE workshops. In order to register for any BaCE workshop in groups 1 through 4, you have to take the IDI pre-assessment, which helps you recognize how you make sense of and respond to cultural differences and commonalities. The IDI pre-assessment only takes 15 – 30 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the IDI pre-assessment, you may register for any BaCE workshop.
Register to take your IDI pre-assessment
Receiving individual IDI Pre-Assessment results
You may choose to receive a copy of your individual IDI pre-assessment results by attending a debrief meeting with our IDI qualified administrator (QA), Elisha Hardekopf. After you complete the IDI, your QA will work with you to schedule a debrief meeting at your request. This meeting usually lasts 45 – 60 minutes.
Individual results are confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than you. Your QA will also send a link to the “Practical Applications of the IDI” video, which you are required to view prior to your debrief meeting. This video will introduce you to the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC™) and will deepen your understanding of your individual IDI results and facilitate your debrief meeting with your QA.
Receiving group IDI Pre-Assessment results for units, councils and committees
If your unit, council and/or committee completed the IDI pre-assessment as a group, then you may choose to receive a group debrief. During this session, your team will receive a debrief of the group mindset towards cultural differences and commonalities (individual IDI results will remain confidential throughout the group debrief). Receiving your group IDI results may also assist your group in creating intentional space to identify strengths, developmental opportunities, and strategies to implement policies and processes that advance equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging at WSU Vancouver. The group debrief meeting lasts from 1.5 – 2 hours. Prior to the group debrief meeting, all team members will view the video, “Practical Applications of the IDI.”