Before you register for the IDI post-assessment:
Have you taken the IDI pre-assessment? Have you completed at least 10 hours of BaCE workshops from groups 1, 2, 3 and 4? Have you engaged in activities suggested by your Intercultural Development Plan (IDP)?
If you answered yes to these questions, then you may register to take the IDI post-assessment. The IDI post-assessment measures how you make sense of and respond to cultural differences. It includes the same 50 questions as the IDI pre-assessment and takes 15 – 30 minutes to complete.
After completing your IDI post-assessment, you have the option to meet with the IDI qualified administrator (QA), Elisha Hardekopf, for an individual debriefing of your results. This meeting usually takes 20 – 45 minutes. Obie will work with you to schedule it.
Once you have registered for or completed the IDI post-assessment, then you may request to receive your BaCE Certificate.