Project title | Acquisition/remodel date | Original title if changed | Building code |
ADA-compliant path around Library | 2021 | n/a | VLIB |
Master Plan and zoning updates to allow undergraduate housing | 2020 | n/a | n/a |
Parking expansion | 2015 | n/a | n/a |
Engineering and Computer Science Building | 2011 | Applied Technology Classroom Building | VECS |
Campus Circulation Improvements | 2011 | n/a | n/a |
Undergraduate Classroom Building | 2009 | n/a | VUB |
Student Services Center | 2007 | n/a | VSSC |
Clark College Center | 2005 | n/a | VCCW |
Multimedia Classroom Building | 2002 | n/a | VMMC |
East Campus Entrance | 2002 | n/a | n/a |
Firstenburg Fountain | 2001 | n/a | n/a |
Science and Engineering Building | 2001 | Engineering Life Sciences Building | VSCI |
Facilities Operations | 2000 | Physical Plant Maintenance Shops | VFO |
McClaskey Building | 1998/2009 | Early Childhood and Education Building | VMCB |
Firstenburg Student Commons | 1997/2006 | Bookstore | FSC |
Physical Plant | 1996 | n/a | VPP |
Dengerink Administration Building | 1996 | Student Services Building | VDEN |
Library Building | 1996/2010 | n/a | VLIB |
Classroom Building | 1996 | Early Childhood and Education Building | VCLS |
Site Purchased | 1991 | Farm and pastures | n/a |
Annex | 1950s/2013 | n/a | n/a |
Barn | circa 1950 | n/a | n/a |
For a complete listing of projects system-wide, see the WSU Capital Planning and Development website.