This section provides links to a number of resources of particular interest to faculty.
Common references
- Faculty and staff directory
- Academic calendar - select Vancouver from the top menu
- Syllabus Statement Information for Fall 2021
Curriculum proposal and review process
Faculty governance
Faculty search and hiring process
General faculty search resources
Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA)
Online support for teaching and student retention
- Educational Policies and Procedures Manual
- Other (Business, Executive, Safety) Policies & Procedures
Professional leave
- Mitigating Disruptive Behavior Online
- Open Educational Resources Grant
- Required Syllabus Components
- Re-Imagining the First Year of College resources list
- WSU Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning
UCORE implementation
UCORE Handbook and Forms for departments and faculty
University Ombudsman
A confidential, independent, and neutral channel for students, staff and faculty to voice university-related concerns.
Org Chart
WSU Vancouver Leadership Organizational Chart revision in progress